Journal Special Issue

Call for Submissions

Following the success of the ‘Medical (Post) Humanities? Reassessing and Reimagining the Human' conference held in Sheffield on April 27th 2022 we are planning a Special Issue of Interconnections: Journal of Posthumanism to respond to the questions raised during the event.

One of the guiding threads running through the day was the question of whether critical posthumanism can meaningfully interact with, and contribute to, the practice of medical care in relation to both human and animal life. Mediating work through theory is great, but how can we work to translate theory in practice? Continuing our inquiry into Des Fitzgerald and Felicity Callard’s proposal that ‘we need to displace, if not significantly reimagine, how medical humanities has tended to the figure the ‘human’”, this special issue will critically consider the ways in which medical approaches have centred human health. The editors are collating a set of papers which think carefully about whether, and in what ways, critical posthumanism can help us reimagine medical practice, including practices of care and ways of caring. In order to push the boundaries of this interdisciplinary discussion, contributions should respond to the possibility that posthumanism can reproduce humanistic assumptions, as well as the tensions that arise through the intersection of theory and practice.

If you are interested in contributing please send an expression of interest in the form of a short abstract (approximately 250 words) by 5pm on Monday 27th June at 5pm to: